Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wally in Le Havre, France - Part 2

Wally as you will remember got himself in a bit of a scrape when he went to Mallorca. Falling asleep in a cactus and so forth. He also spent some time in France and this is the second installment of his stay there. I've been busy working on the furrytravelbuddies.com website which I hope to launch soon but if you have any suggestions or requests about what you would like to see included please drop me an email. I'd like to thank Sophie for her wonderful photos and storyline and everyone who has contributed to the blogs this year as it wouldn't be possible without you. Coming soon Cynthia in Texas, more Hairy Hank adventures and Introducing Stanley...

Wally explores the climbing roses. Ow! Avoiding the thorns is tricky!
Wally then decides to try another flower bed. Ah! The softness of tthe flowers is soothing.

Wally is scared away from the fields by a curious cow. Why are they so big?!

Wally decides to investigate the piano. Nothing like music to calm you down.

As the house is quite big Wally decides to take the train to tour it.

Wally meets the family of Barbapapa who are celebrities in France as they have their own t.v. show! Their fans are young children but they were happy to add Wally as one of them!

Wally and Sophie(his owner) take a stroll along the windy beach of Le Havre. Wally was impressed by the sea and the sunset but where was the sun and people sun bathing Sophie had mentioned? Sophie was well and truly wrapped up! He was disappointed he couldn't wear his new sunhat. Oh well! There's still Mallorca..

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