
The Furry Travel Buddies project was partly inspired by one of my favourite film's Amelie, and also my inability to sew. I had grown up with dresses and jumpers being made for me by either my mum or grandma who both crocheted and had great sewing skills. Did I absorb anything from this ? The short answer, no, oh how I would like to ask for their advice now, but sadly that's not possible. In some way I am trying to make up for lost time and the FTB's was a great launch pad. The monsters all had to be original designs and therefore each presented me with unique challenges, some never made it. I learnt to design with what worked best sewing wise e.g no skinny necks. The FTB's take a while to produce from the sketch pad to selecting  fabric, to stitching its features, and stuffing....If I was making 10 of the same design I would make a lot more but then the unique aspect of owning the only Herman, Brenda, Wally or Troy would be lost.

What I love most about this project is the interactive aspect, when I get an FTB update it just makes me smile and I am so grateful that people take the time to do this. I occassionally thrust an FTB into the hand of an unsuspecting relative and I am always surprised by the photos that come back. It would seem that taking a photo of a small monster in a foreign land is a great ice-breaker. It brings smiles to peoples faces and bemused looks from passersby.The idea of my Aunt making sure my Uncle has packed the FTB before a trip and doesn't forget to take pictures brings me great joy.

Ultimately, I would like the FTB's to travel to every destination and to publish a book where everyone who has ever emailed a photo gets a mention. What are you waiting for ?

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