Monday, January 26, 2009

An FTB Christmas

It might be 2009 but I received photos of an FTB Christmas and I had to share them with you. Wade and Cordelia make their debut as well as blog favourites Ethel, Constance, Wally and Herman. Don't forget to get your entries in for the buddy awards. You can also vote on how many countries Phillip will get to visit (to the right of the blog). Coming soon Brenda and Ethel's " What not to wear" a hilarious before and after styling piece as well as Bernard's trip to Argentina.

Ethel tries to shake the presents to see which are clothes (who hasn't)

She delves into her stash.
She pokes and prods the package and is intrigued. What could this be ? Ethel is thrilled to discover its a new FTB. (She secretly thinks that he will make an assistant, not the intention but that's Ethel for you!)

She makes Wade feel right at home by offering him one of her prized double chocolate chip muffins which after his transatlantic journey and subsequent hibernation, he is more than ready for a chocolate rush.

Wade isn't used to these cold conditions and despite having a full tummy is feeling a bit chilly. Ethel reveals to him how she stays toasty by showing him the wonders of central heating, and the radiator.

Cordelia was also unwrapped this christmas and was relieved to have a very nice owner.

The FTB's get together for a hike up the christmas tree where you'll see some old favourites Herman, Constance, Wally and Ethel plus newbie Cordelia.
These pics that were sent by Ciara thanks go to her and her friends for bringing the FTB's together for Christmas.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Phillip is on his way !!!! London, France and Beyond

Exciting news, Phillip is officially on his way and in his honour I have created a website just for him, just click on the link and it will take you there. A big thank you to Angelina for taking Phillip on his first adventure.

Angelina puts Phillip to work answering her calls at the office. Phillip felt like he was in a non-stop aerobics class as it was quite hard work getting to all the buttons when you are small.
Phillip is allowed a short break to catch up on current events. Angelina's a hard task master!

It isn't long before his hard work has paid off and he has earned himself a trip to France.

He is inadequately clothed for this kind of weather and is quite adamant about staying in the chalet.

He breathes in the fresh air.............

Phillip gets to chill with the Champagne.

Unfortunately for him the sled appears to be parked on an incline and he makes his scary descent to safety.
He only gets as far as the chalet door before remembering he hasn't got the key.
Thanks to Angelina for being the first Around the World participant.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Announcing " The Buddies"

Could Stanley be a contender for best dressed Buddy ?

I am really excited to announce the first year of " The Buddies Award for Excellence " In the spirit of recognizing excellence in the field of Furry Travel Buddy Photography and outstanding contribution to the global FTB revolution, I have created 10 categories. Closing date for all entries will be April 1st which will allow one week for you all to cast your votes and the winners will be announced on April 4th

The categories for "The Buddies " will be:
1. Best FTB blog
2. Best FTB photo with an animal
3. Best FTB home
4. Best FTB with a celebrity
5. Funniest FTB photo
6. Best dressed FTB
7. Most travelled FTB
8. Discretionary award for excellence in a creative capacity (chosen by me )
9. Best Male FTB (based on blog participation)
10. Best female FTB (based on blog participation )

So, I'll announce the nominees for each category over the next few weeks and post them to the website. If you have already submitted photos those will all be looked at too. The winners will get an exclusive handmade FTB award which will definitely be made of fabric and very special and you will be an an inaugural buddy winner. If you've always wanted to win something now's your chance, obviously you have to have an FTB to take part and access to a camera but I'm counting on you to make these the best awards ever. Take a look at previous blogs to see what you're up against. Good luck everyone, get snapping. Email your submissions to the usual address and let me know what category you want to be considered for if its not obvious. I will post all the details on the website

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The 3 P's Patch, Phyllis and Phillip

Today's postcards come from Matthew and Amanda respectively for Patch and Phyllis. Phyllis made an appearance in the snow last year so I'm pleased to hear from her again this time from Ireland. Patch is making his blog debut and is currently living in L.A.

Patch arrives home safely and is fascinated by the man in the cocktail glass who seems to be asking for his help.

Phyllis is in Ireland, behind her the River Liffey, she thinks the building behind her looks like a robot covering his eyes.

Phillip has also been released into the world, slightly later than planned but what with post office closures and whatnots......enough said.
Phillip prepares to leave behind the palm trees of Huntington Beach, CA.
As if the palm tree were not evidence enough of HB, I stuck him on the car.

So for the first leg of his journey, Phillip bids Farewell to England St, CA and makes his way to London, England where Angelina awaits him.

I have placed a poll asking you to guesstimate how many countries he makes it to in the next eighty days so feel free to vote.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Introducing Phoebe

Well it's 2009 and time for a new blog. I hope everyone has had a great start to the year. Congratulations to Emily Burford for her December winning FTB draw entry and thanks to all those who voted. Special mention to Ciara and Ethan for their close run 2nd and 3rd places. I'm in the process of making Sky and will post a pic once she's done. So back to the photos, thanks to Alissa for sending these in. Its always reassuring to receive confirmation that an FTB is being well looked after.

Butters (the cute dog) and Phoebe get friendly.

Feeling rather festive Phoebe perches up on a tree to survey her new surroundings.

Phoebe preparing to travel to her new home in Washington. (I hope we see more of Phoebe when she gets to Washington.)