Friday, May 21, 2010

Introducing Leonard In New Zealand

Leonard finds himself alone in a strange land.

As he contemplates his surroundings the sun begins to rise. A local to the area asks him if he is in need of a job. "OK, says Leonard." He doesn't really know what awaits him.

He is given a tour of the winery by the owner's dog who despite his demeanor is actually very pleased to have a new employee and potential drinking buddy.

For his first task Leonard must master the art of driving a forklift. Despite his best efforts he cannot man the controls and drive at the same time.

He is finally given a more suitable task, the monitoring of sophisticated equipment. Leonard is happy, he still has much to learn but he hopes to have his own vineyard one day.

Thanks to Sam for the very speedy report of Leonard's arrival. Coming soon a Wally special and updates from Ivan. Keep them coming !!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Furry Travel Buddy -Troy in Colorado

Troy came back from Colorado a while ago and has been nagging me to post his pictures so here we go. One of the stops on this 14 hour road trip was in the Salt Lake Area.
Arriving at the destination Troy takes his spot for the obligatory photo.

Troy coming from Southern California has never seen snow before and it's not long before he is knee deep in it.

Troy does a run and jump and lands on his back.

Troy's version of the snow angel.

All this playing in the snow has left him feeling a bit chilly, he yearns for his surfboard and the feel of sun on his furry body. It is time to hitch a ride home.
The horse says "Where to Mr ?" but Troy can't seem to remember which direction he came from.He takes a calculated guess and heads towards the blue bit of sky.

Fast forward 5 hours later. The horse has ditched him as Troy was unable to give clear left and right directions and ran out of snacks to feed him. Oh dear, Troy is well and truly lost and he now needs to find an alternative mode of transport.

 After making his way on foot through the mountains. He spots a vision in the distance. It has wheels and seat heaters. He is overjoyed now all he needs is his wit and charm to persuade the driver to give him a ride. Luckily for Troy, he is quite persuasive and let's face it doesn't take up that much room.
It's several hours later when he hears and sees the ocean. He breathes a sigh of relief, he likes to travel but there's nothing like home.