Friday, April 17, 2009

Greetings from Theo on Planet Pirka

Oh, how did it get to be so long since my last post. Forgiveness is sought from my faithful furry travel buddy followers. The latest to arrive in my inbox is news from Theo who has been taking it easy on Planet Pirka so titled because Emily, Theo's owner lives there.

Where's Phillip ? I hear you ask. Well he apparently was on his way to Malaysia to Cousin George who's not really a cousin but has the same last name as me. I am hoping he got there ok. I will be power blogging as I have new pics from Betty in Italy and Stanley in Kenya. Whoever thought the FTB's wouldn't make it around the world, we'll show them, slowly but steadily. I also happen to know that Ethel and possibly Hairy Hank are in Thailand. Hmmm makes me think of holidays.....back to the story though.

Theo lands on planet Pirka and takes a hesitant glance at his surroundings.

His mode of transport transforms itself into a flat DVD cover so as not to be detected by the Earth dwellers.
Theo spies a friendly face. "Greetings, mighty orange one " says the yellow jib jab.
Theo spots his mother in a picture with the founder of Pirka Planet. "This must be a nice place" he says to no one in particular.
Part raccoon and part cat the furrier one invites Theo to have a seat whilst he tells him all about life on planet Pirka.
An hour later Theo is thrilled by the moving picture show and accepts the offer of a drink but as he doesn't know how to open the can, he just sits on it instead.

As you can see Planet Pirka is a very fun place to live if you're a furry travel buddy, and Theo thinks he's going to be happy here.

Thanks to Emily for her very high quality webcam pics!!

1 comment:

Pirka said...

Awww man, this is so nice! It's a great thing to see at the end of an exhausting Friday. A good start to the weekend!! :)

Love, Emily "Pirka" B. and Theo