Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Adventures of FTB's

Welcome to the Home of the FTB's or Furry Travel Buddies. I began making them whilst waiting for an interview at the US Embassy in London. I was staying at my parent's house and was finally getting to grips with the sewing machine under the guidance of my expert stepmother. After teaching for a few years I wasn't quite feeling up to painting so for no particular reason started making these little monsters. The idea behind it was that they would be loyal and trusted companions that would share in the daily adventures of their adopted parent and this would be documented via photos. They would each be unique and come with instructions.

The first recipient was my 8 year old nephew Ethan who much to my surprise loved his. He has Hairy Hank and Samson, (he surreptitiously got attached to Samson as he felt Hank needed a friend and he mysteriously never made it back across the Atlantic.) I'm still awaiting his pictures but my niece Ciara a responsible 11 year old has provided visual confirmation that Samson's doing well. He's the green one with the cat. I have spoken to my nephew today and have asked him to take some pictures but maybe I'll just persuade my brother in law to take Hank to Venice as I'm sure he'd enjoy the trip. I am currently adding to the family as five have recently been adopted. In these posts I will document their travels so far and hope that I receive email updates from the adopters. For those wishing to adopt you can see whose available at

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