Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bea and Marlene in the Far East

Holiday time for these lucky FTB's
 Bea is up bright and early doing her morning dips, she likes to keep in shape even when on holiday.
As she wonders down for breakfast she spots the tour group boarding the bus. She frantically yells at Marlene who is still snoozing to get a move on or they will be left behind.
Marlene is not good in the morning and somehow finds herself in the storage area of the hotel.

Bea manages to find her in the knick of time and drags her to the minibus.

They arrive at some beautiful ornamental gardens where they find a passerby to snap their photo.
Bea opts for the waterfall close-up even if it means getting a bit wet. Marlene is happy to keep her distance.
After a lot of walking the intrepid duo sneak a quick nap before rejoining the tour group. "They'll never miss us." says Marlene who is still reeling from the rude awakening this morning.

Not long after, they board the bus and head back to the hotel and revitalize with some snacks, ready for their next adventure.

Thanks to Dad and Ah-Kioeuk for taking the buddies on holiday to Indonesia.

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